Helping a business unit punch above its weight

The challenge

To grow the awareness and impact of a relatively small business unit (with a P&L of £400m) in a multi-billion pound technology company to leading national decision-makers.

What we did

We created a tranche of thought-leadership content from the business unit’s Managing Director and senior Executives. We then broadcast this executive content across a range of channels to reach the right audiences, individuals and groups.

Our comprehensive involvement covered our full range of services. These included developing an executive content strategy, identifying key decision-makers in target organisations, developing relevant and noteworthy topics audiences would engage with, writing and broadcasting content, and managing audience engagement.

The results

  • The MD’s content has been read by 1000s of Executives and Directors across the UK, including 100s of key decision-makers within target organisations.

  • We raised the profile of the MD’s personal brand, not only across industry but also across their wider organisation.

  • Conversations our content has sparked with targets, directly correlate to opportunities worth £2 million and up to £20 million.

  • To date, our client’s experienced 500% organic growth in reach of all the monthly content they post. 

  • This rise in visibility means their LinkedIn profile and any content they post leads to increasing profile views, engagement and requests to connect – from the wider industry and from within their own multi-national company. 

  • This acts a virtuous circle, further cementing their position as a leading thinker in their space.


What our client said

“The team at EI is always coming up with new angles for content month in, month out. I completely trust them to take the seed of an idea and turn it into something compelling and relevant – no matter how complex the subject matter. They’ve also helped me find my own ‘voice’ in my industry, then amplified it hugely.”

MD of niche technology business unit